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If your device lost the cookie that was used to identify you, or you want to use another workspace, or just another device, you can login here to get the full functionality of the paid app.

You can login from any device with the email address the order confirmation was send to when you paid for Conversation Cards Ethics & Values Progressive Web App International Edition, EVApp for short.

When you are logged in you can click "Update version x.xx" in the start screen to update EVApp to the latest version. Also on the bottom of EVApp there is an extra navigation bar with update, explainer and login choices in your language.

If you open the PWA in a browser on your smartphone, you can choose 'Install' or 'Add to home screen' in the browser menu. EVApp will then be available as a native app, which will work even without internet connection. With internet connection EVApp uses secure and encrypted communication.

In the international edition you can choose all schooltypes, all languages, all filters, you`ll see all propositions and interventions (not just two), you can keep scores for all your students, and you'll have access to all future updates for all time. (And the Welcome message won't be displayed.)

We want to empower you. Talk with them, not about them. EVApp gives you the right topics of conversation, for kids in every schooltype.

We choose PWA architecture because we think that is the way forward for internet and usability. (Steve Jobs did so too.)

Conversation Cards Ethics & Values PWA International Edition ~ EUR 49.95

Contact Us

If you have any questions about the app, you can contact us:

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